Welcome back! See how we've changed...and,
more importantly, how we haven't.
Second Generation Families
The best things about Holy Trinity remain: warm, positive relationships, invested teachers and role models, a family of faith, and a student body rich with God-given abilities.

At HTCS, we want our alumni and their children to recognize the loving traditions of the past and embrace the educational aspirations of the 2nd generation members. Though you’ll feel the warm welcome of a familiar place, you may be surprised at how far we’ve come since you have attended. We’ve evolved, grown and changed with the times as part of a dynamic learning institution. From our student-led worship to our outstanding Christian faculty, you will find a school that not only values our traditions but also looks forward to what your children need for the future.
Meet the Gulden Family
My wife and I chose Holy Trinity because it is where my siblings and I attended. I feel that it set the roots to where we are now in life, set us on the right path. I want my children to experience the same. We live in such a busy time, I think my children will enjoy the atmosphere there of the "let's slow down and listen about some awesome stories from Jesus" feel.
I did not see Holy Trinity's impact right away, not until almost thirty. I stepped away from religion/Christ for a while. But when I was deployed to Iraq, I found God again. I realized I needed some help - and he was one of the answers. I believe it was part of my parents doing and HT doing, that taught and gave me tools to see the greatness in faith.

Favorite memories from Holy Trinity include
*Seder Meal
*Participating in church - readings, gifts, serving
*Saying prayers every morning and end of day, and the Pledge of Allegiance every morning
*Noise level stop light in the church cafeteria (always brought a chuckle every now and then)
Adam Gulden, Class of 1997
Alumni Scholarship
Holy Trinity PTO sponsors a $500.00 scholarship each spring for Holy Trinity alumni who are graduating high school.
2016-2017 Adam Kroll
2017-2018 Kelsy Stuckmayer
2018-2019 Jake Andres
2019-2020 Simon Kroll
2020-2021 Emily Herold
2021-2022 Katie Leidenfrost
2022-2023 Carissa Andres
Ashley Kimman
2023-2024 Lily Poser
Scholarship Recipients

Alumni News
Congratulations to Dwight Przybilla!
Dwight was recently chosen for Eckroth Music -St. Cloud/Waite Park First Friday Feature!
Dwight is the 5th-12th grade band director for Isle.
"My favorite thing about teaching is inspiring the next generation of musicians. It is such a rewarding experience to take my small group of kids, give them something difficult, and watch the lightbulb turn on when they get it."